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Our mission

Children can play in a safe, secure and stimulating environment.

All children have equal access to an inspiring curriculum supporting and developing their individual needs while becoming used to be in a group families feel valued and children can start to take responsibility for themselves and be aware of others needs. 

Children and adults care for each other and respect each other.

We work hard to foster positive relationships with parents carers schools related professionals and the wider community.

Our provision


Towerview Playschool has up to 24 children each day (1:6 ratio) – large enough for your child to feel part of the group but small enough for us to provide individual attention.

Sessions offered are 9am -12 noon or until 3pm at Towerview, 5 days a week during term time.

Visits to be arranged by appointment.

We create an atmosphere that encourages and rewards positive behaviour.
The age range is from 2– 5yrs

Our group ethos is one of inclusion, caring, and mutual support.
Interaction with the carefully chosen activities enables the children to access all areas of the curriculum. All the children’s learning is developed through play and exploration of their local environment.

Our activities involve all aspects of the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum guidance set out by the Dept of Education. As well as our large airy room we have excellent outdoor facilities which are spaces to explore, play & discover.
Forest School sessions are also available.

Daily Routine
9am The day begins with a range of free choice activities on offer and relevant adult led activities. All these are planned and rotated to ensure all the children have a chance to play and develop at their own pace. A free flow snack bar or group snack is offered.

11.20am Tidy up time and circle time activities, including speech and language games.
Morning session ends at 12 noon

Some children go home while others stay for lunch (pre-packed lunch from home)
1pm Quiet reading and group story/song time. There is then a free choice of activities until tidy up time.

2.30pm Tidy up time and come together as a group before getting ready for pick up.
3pm Afternoon session ends

We visit the library once a month. We regularly go for walks around the village, visit the park, fire station, hairdressers and high street shops. We also have a summer Forest School trip, Christmas party and introduce our diverse and multi-cultural world.

What do I need at playschool?

• I need my coat every day and a sun hat or warm hat (with my name inside all items).

• I need to wear old play clothes so I can really explore and get messy.

• I need my named bag with spare nappies/clothes if I am toilet training.

• Snack –  provided by Playschool. Parents are asked to contribute £1 

• Staff must be notified if someone other than parents are picking up that day and collectors must know child’s password.

• Please pay invoiced fees promptly

• If staying for lunch I will need my names lunch bag with any refrigerated items ( sandwich, yoghurt, meats, cheese etc) in a separate named bag so it can be stored in the fridge at playschool.

• If I am in playschool on a Forest school day (Tuesday or Friday mornings) I will need long sleeves even in warmer weather, wellies, 3 layers of warm
clothing, named hat, gloves and thick socks during colder months.
Playschool provides waterproofs.

• Please make sure your child has a named coat each day and hat and gloves etc in the winter, sun hat and a pre-applied sunscreen in the summer.


About us

We are a non-profit making community group and rely on fees to pay for our excellent staff and to provide training opportunities in order to deliver a quality service.

The welfare of the children is paramount

Fees are payable every month in advance, all absences must be paid for to cover costs and 1 months notice is required to make permanent session changes or for leaving the group.
Children may be eligible for 15 hours of funded sessions, please speak to the Playschool Leader/Manager for more information.

Please read the playschool polices, copies are available on the notice board
We have trained, named SENDCO’s (special educational needs and disabilities) and operate Equal Opportunities policies across all settings.
We are regularly inspected by Ofsted for the latest report (2022) please see the Ofsted website.

Every term fire drills are carried out and annual risk assessments?
See detailed Health and Safety policy
We have accident and incident books in which any injury or incident are recorded, dated and signed by staff and parents. Playschool is in regular contact with the health visitor.
Snow closures will be on BBC Radio, Hereford and Worcs daily, and Playschool Parent Facebook page before 8am.

Children must not attend playschool if suffering from;

• Coronavirus symptoms

• sickness or diarrhoea in last 48 hours

• Chicken pox /measles/ german measles/

• a high temperature /head lice/mumps/impetigo

• or any infectious disease

• Please check with your doctor for advice.

Any prescription medication will be given at staff discretion and on completion of the medicines forms by parent and staff.


Doctors - Barn Close Surgery tel: 01386 853651
Local schools
Broadway First School 852485
St Mary's RC School 853337
Willersey Primary 852646
Jo Bason - DPP [level 3] Forest School Leader
Becky Davis – DPP (Level 3) Forest School Leader
Samantha Lewis DEYE (level 3)
Libby Peacock CEYE (level 2)
Sarah Fawcett - DBS
Tracy Betley - Treasurer

We also have Early-Years course students on placement with us.
All staff have full background checks are DBS police checked & Paediatric First Aid trained.

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